
This page gives some basic information about how All Saints is financed. We hope it will help you take a share in this part of our life together.


How to Donate

Church Accounts:

Bank Name: Bank CIMB Niaga
Branch: Jakarta Graha Niaga Sudirman
Account Name: All Saints Anglican Church Jakarta
Account No: 800 1545 75600 (IDR) / 800 1545 76840 (USD)


Where does All Saints get its money from?

From us, the members of past and present congregations. This is our only source of income. We don't get any grants from embassies, or from the diocese. All our income comes from what our members put in the offering bag or give in other ways.

What does All Saints do with the money?

We pay the clergy, and staff, there are maintenance costs for the church and the vicarages, rental for the S. Jakarta vicarage and the rooms at Don Bosco, office overheads, contributions to GAI, and so on.

Are we receiving enough?

For many years we have seen the Lord supply our needs through the generosity of members.  Last year we met our budget and put money aside for reserves. This year we have extra costs connected with the arrival of our new Associate Minister. At the moment we need to increase the regular giving so that more people share in giving more, more regularly.  We especially want to increase our US dollar giving. Because of the turnover of people in Jakarta we also want to encourage new members to share in the costs of All Saints. For more details ask one of the members of Church Council.

What about Outreach Projects?

Our Outreach Ministries are also supported by the generous gifts of members and friends of All Saints. Outreach has had reduced budgets for the last year or so. We urge members to give to both Outreach and All Saints. More information about Outreach is available on the Outreach page.